I have started 4 new things this month:
I’ve noticed a real difference in my energy level, my ability to focus, and I’m getting better quality sleep (even though that was not an issue).
Just being real here… I was “busy” this week – translation – UNFOCUSED. Yep. Totally spent the second half of the week opening the fridge and thinking, “There’s nothing in here to eat.” And what was my new thing for the past week? MEAL PREP! Ugh.
The very thing I set out to do, is the very thing I didn’t do at all. But guess what? That will not be the case next week. I think sometimes it’s just like that. That’s part of the learning curve. So this week, I’m giving myself some grace to go back and review the good work I’ve been doing and get re-focused on these little changes so that they become habits I don’t even think about. And I’m posting the moral of the story on my fridge, “If there’s nothing in the fridge to eat, it’s time to do some MEAL PREP!”
Moving forward… It’s time to get serious. Like have a very specific plan AND follow it. One of the things that has to go in this cleanse is overgrowth of CANDIDA. This is a yeast which naturally grows in the colon and is harmless – in small amounts. It is estimated that the majority of Americans do have Candidiasis simply because the Standard American Diet is so high in sugars and sugar-forming processed foods. Candida overgrowth contributes to a great many health issues including mercury build-up in fat tissues, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, depression, brain fog, allergies, schizophrenia, autism, lupus, IBS, and ADHD. It can grow outside the colon, so if you see it on your skin, as a vaginal yeast infection, thrush in the mouth, or nail fungus, there’s really no question that your gut bacteria is out of balance.
Doctors know there is a direct connection between candida overgrowth and cancer because the tumors they remove are covered in it. Unfortunately, they are under a lot of pressure to make quick diagnoses by the insurance companies and candidiasis is difficult to diagnose because there are no routine lab tests to identify it.
YET, we are not hindered by the limitations of the insurance system. That’s the beauty of natural health – the focus is on wellness and prevention of all those nasty diagnoses we don’t want anything to do with – EVER!
The battle against candida is win-able (is that a word?). There are quality supplements out there and there are effective “home remedies” to kill off the candida and re-establish a healthy balance of the bacteria in the gut. The bigger issue for most of us, is stopping the onslaught. Changing the diet is crucial to getting this turned around. If you’ve ever tried to get rid of an infection of toenail fungus, you already know that this is no joke. We need to bring out the big guns here. Let’s look at the supplement options briefly, and then we will address the issue of DIET.
There’s an old natural remedy for killing off candida that uses garlic and acidophilus supplements for 3 years. I think I need something a little more efficient than that, so I’m choosing to attack from several angles. I’m going to purchase a quality brand supplement that is designed to fight candida as well as a really high qualityprobiotic. I plan to take these for a few months along with the colon cleanse I’ve already started. This may seem like a lot of supplements, but getting the gut clean and healthy is truly foundational to all the rest of the cleansing we are doing throughout this year. And it’s a big job.
We’ve laid some important groundwork with the colon cleanse – clearing the way for the yeast die-off to exit the body. You definitely should not move forward in the cleansing process if your bowels are not getting flushed out daily. This is important to minimize the potential for a “healing crisis”, AKA Herxheimer reaction when detoxing. This is why I’ve taken it slowly – because I have a whole year to cleanse, but I don’t have time for headaches and withdrawal symptoms.
Most healthy diet plans have an initial phase that is similar to the yeast-cleansing diet which is basically protein, nuts (except peanuts), vegetables (except potatoes, peas, and corn), and fats. There is zero sugar in any form in the Candida Diet. Grains / flour, milk, carbonated drinks, and most fruits are also excluded, as these things feed the unwanted yeast bacteria.
It is time for me to choose a healthy diet plan that is good for long term. There are some great options to select from:
I’ve selected a plan I can live with, now I need to make my shopping list and make a special note for all the things I can prep ahead to keep my fridge stocked with handy healthy foods.
A few years ago, I really wasn’t feeling well at all. I went on a lectin-free diet and not only did I start feeling better very quickly, I also lost 15 pounds and kept if off for a couple of years. Once I got a good understanding of the no-no foods on this plan, it was very easy to follow and I was never ever hungry.
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Let’s pray… Lord we thank you for 2024 and for blessing this plan. We ask your Holy Spirit guidance in every decision. Just as we ask you to bless the food at the table, we ask your blessing over what we choose to put on the table. Give us wisdom and focus as we seek to be good stewards of our bodies – your Holy Temple. We give you all the glory and the praise! In Jesus’ name, we pray.